10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Kid

I sat down the other day and consciously asked myself what would be the ten things I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self.
Without much thought, these bullet points spilled onto the page and I think they apply to really any facet of life, so I hope they strike a chord with you as well.
After capturing this list, I quickly took note of the fact that even as an adult in a fast-moving world of noise and constant distractions, I need to continue reminding myself of these important lessons...
Tenacity beats talent every time
Everyone is great at at least one thing
You don’t have to be good at everything
Nobody will ever be a better version of you than you
Nothing incredible that happens to you will be solely of your own doing.
However, you will be responsible for the fruition of nearly every incredible thing that happens to you
Failure is like a skeleton key to success: fail more, succeed more
You don’t know what’s going to land or miss- so plant a lot of seeds
If you can, check to see if the ground is fertile before planting the seeds
Fear doesn’t have to be your enemy- make friends with it and it’ll help you, slam the door on it and it’ll always haunt you
Stay well,
My ten life lessons I reflect on as an adult are
1) No matter who you are . You’re Enough
2) Always tell the Truth. Even if it hurts to hear it!
3) Love shouldn’t hurt! If it hurts it’s not Love!
4) The less people know of me the better off I’ll be. Because people like to talk an when that happens just add a little to it make it interesting. Lol
5) Remember the best kept secret is the one that’s never told
6) Smile more often because a simple smile can change a person’s entire life
7) Talk to random people more, might just meet some really awesome people
8) Just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right
9) Remember No matter what you have a choice in everything. It’s just if you can live with the consequences of the choice be it good or bad
10) And everyday your not chasing your dream your jeopardizing your dream